Камен Райдер Озу / Kamen raidâ Ôzu

Камен Райдер Озу
Название: Камен Райдер Озу
Оригинальное название: Kamen raidâ Ôzu
Год: 2010
Страна: Япония Корея Южная
Жанр: Боевики Драмы Комедии Приключения Фантастика Фэнтези
Доп. язык озвучки: Persona99
Рейтинг IMDB: 8 (632)
Эйджи Хино - человек, у которого нет мечты, работы и семьи. Когда монстры, Гриды, просыпаются после 800-летнего заточения, они начинают нападать на людей. Грид Анк дает Эйджи пояс и три Медали, чтобы тот сражался с другими Гридами. Это позволяет ему стать Камен Райдером Озу. Таинственный Фонд Когами обращается к нему и начинает помогать ему сражаться с монстрами, но его истинные причины пока не ясны....
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В ЭФИРЕ Качество1  АудиоСубтитрыСкоростьОбычная  
Сезон 1
01 Medaru to pantsu to nazo no ude
1 cезон
02 Yokubou to aisu to purezento
1 cезон
03 Neko to shinka to kuishinbou
1 cезон
04 Utagai to shame to sukui no te
1 cезон
05 Oikakekko to su to serebu
1 cезон
06 Oyofuku to Keiyaku to Saikyou Konbo
1 cезон
07 A Lousy Husband, a Trap, and a Jackpot
1 cезон
08 Sabotage, Having No Greed, and Taking a Break
1 cезон
09 Drenched, the Past, and the Scorching Combo
1 cезон
10 A Fist, an Experiment, and a Super Bike
1 cезон
11 A Traveler, a Swallowtail, and a Celebrity
1 cезон
12 An Eel, the World, and the Gravity Combo
1 cезон
13 A Siamese Cat, Stress and the Genius Surgeon
1 cезон
14 Pride, Surgery, and a Secret
1 cезон
15 The Medal Struggles, the Transporter, and the Vessel
1 cезон
16 An End, the Greeed, and a New Rider
1 cезон
17 The Kendo Girl, Oden, and the Splitting Yummy
1 cезон
18 Destruction, Motives, and the Eel Whip
1 cезон
19 The Red Medal, the Detective, and Betrayal
1 cезон
20 Otori to shikaku to honoo no konbo
1 cезон
21 Batta to Oyako to Seigi no Mikata
1 cезон
22 Chocolate, Faith, and the Power of Justice
1 cезон
23 Beauty, an Egg, and the Sleeping Desire
1 cезон
24 Memories, Love, and the Marine Combo
1 cезон
25 The Boxer, the Left Hand, and the Bird Yummy
1 cезон
26 Ankh, the Ring, and Placing Everything On
1 cезон
27 1000, the Movie, and the Combatant
1 cезон
28 1000, the Kamen Riders, and the Birthday
1 cезон
29 The Big Sister, the Doctor, and the Truth about Ankh
1 cезон
30 The King, the Panda, and the Flames of the Memory
1 cезон
31 Gratitude, Scheming, and the Purple Medal
1 cезон
32 The New Greeed, Emptiness, and the Invincible Combo
1 cезон
33 Friendship, Chaos, and the Belt Left Behind
1 cезон
34 The Best Friend, Uses, and Their Relationship
1 cезон
35 Dreams, the Big Brother, and Birth's Secret
1 cезон
36 Broken Dreams, the Body, and the Greeed Resurrection
1 cезон
37 Sleep, One Hundred Million, and the Birth Transfer
1 cезон
38 Circumstances, Farewell, and a Tearful Birth
1 cезон
39 The Nightmare, Security Cameras, and Ankh's Revenge
1 cезон
40 Control, a Birthday Party, and the Disappearing Ankh
1 cезон
41 Siblings, the Rescue, and Eiji Leaves
1 cезон
42 Ice, Greeedification, and Broken Wings
1 cезон
43 The Vulture, the Confrontation, and Ankh Returns
1 cезон
44 Everyone Together, the Perfect Resurrection, and Your Greed
1 cезон
45 The Surprise Attack, the Proto Birth, and the Desire of Love
1 cезон
46 The Eiji Greeed, the Double Births, and Ankh's Desire
1 cезон
47-48 The Red Crack, Satisfaction, and Eiji's Vessel / The Medals of Tomorrow, Underwear, and Arms Held
1 cезон
47-48 The Red Crack, Satisfaction, and Eiji's Vessel / The Medals of Tomorrow, Underwear, and Arms Held
1 cезон
01 Medaru to pantsu to nazo no ude
1 cезон
02 Yokubou to aisu to purezento
1 cезон
03 Neko to shinka to kuishinbou
1 cезон
04 Utagai to shame to sukui no te
1 cезон
05 Oikakekko to su to serebu
1 cезон
06 Oyofuku to Keiyaku to Saikyou Konbo
1 cезон
07 A Lousy Husband, a Trap, and a Jackpot
1 cезон
08 Sabotage, Having No Greed, and Taking a Break
1 cезон
09 Drenched, the Past, and the Scorching Combo
1 cезон
10 A Fist, an Experiment, and a Super Bike
1 cезон
11 A Traveler, a Swallowtail, and a Celebrity
1 cезон
12 An Eel, the World, and the Gravity Combo
1 cезон
13 A Siamese Cat, Stress and the Genius Surgeon
1 cезон
14 Pride, Surgery, and a Secret
1 cезон
15 The Medal Struggles, the Transporter, and the Vessel
1 cезон
16 An End, the Greeed, and a New Rider
1 cезон
17 The Kendo Girl, Oden, and the Splitting Yummy
1 cезон
18 Destruction, Motives, and the Eel Whip
1 cезон
19 The Red Medal, the Detective, and Betrayal
1 cезон
20 Otori to shikaku to honoo no konbo
1 cезон
21 Batta to Oyako to Seigi no Mikata
1 cезон
22 Chocolate, Faith, and the Power of Justice
1 cезон
23 Beauty, an Egg, and the Sleeping Desire
1 cезон
24 Memories, Love, and the Marine Combo
1 cезон
25 The Boxer, the Left Hand, and the Bird Yummy
1 cезон
26 Ankh, the Ring, and Placing Everything On
1 cезон
27 1000, the Movie, and the Combatant
1 cезон
28 1000, the Kamen Riders, and the Birthday
1 cезон
29 The Big Sister, the Doctor, and the Truth about Ankh
1 cезон
30 The King, the Panda, and the Flames of the Memory
1 cезон
31 Gratitude, Scheming, and the Purple Medal
1 cезон
32 The New Greeed, Emptiness, and the Invincible Combo
1 cезон
33 Friendship, Chaos, and the Belt Left Behind
1 cезон
34 The Best Friend, Uses, and Their Relationship
1 cезон
35 Dreams, the Big Brother, and Birth's Secret
1 cезон
36 Broken Dreams, the Body, and the Greeed Resurrection
1 cезон
37 Sleep, One Hundred Million, and the Birth Transfer
1 cезон
38 Circumstances, Farewell, and a Tearful Birth
1 cезон
39 The Nightmare, Security Cameras, and Ankh's Revenge
1 cезон
40 Control, a Birthday Party, and the Disappearing Ankh
1 cезон
41 Siblings, the Rescue, and Eiji Leaves
1 cезон
42 Ice, Greeedification, and Broken Wings
1 cезон
43 The Vulture, the Confrontation, and Ankh Returns
1 cезон
44 Everyone Together, the Perfect Resurrection, and Your Greed
1 cезон
45 The Surprise Attack, the Proto Birth, and the Desire of Love
1 cезон
46 The Eiji Greeed, the Double Births, and Ankh's Desire
1 cезон
47-48 The Red Crack, Satisfaction, and Eiji's Vessel / The Medals of Tomorrow, Underwear, and Arms Held
1 cезон
Сезон 1
Сезон 1
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